
SABI STUDIO’s mission is to support organizations, initiatives, and leaders dedicated to building a more equitable, informed, and culturally enriched world.

In 2024 SABI STUDIO was founded on the belief that measurable success comes from balancing strategic rigor with humanistic depth. Here, you’ll find both.

Past work has fallen within the social or arts and culture sectors, spanning non-profits, galleries, and media organizations. Broader partnerships are always welcome where there is alignment.

Adama Kamara

is the founder of SABI STUDIO. She is a Sierra Leonean-American strategist, writer, researcher, and brand consultant based in D.C.

Over the course of her career, she has collaborated with brands like Google, The Atlantic, Meta, Aperture, and the Ad Council. She has worked within creative agencies, global media organizations, art advisories, and mission-driven nonprofits, bringing an interdisciplinary approach to everything she does.

Adama’s work spans disciplines and mediums— what every project has in common is being rooted in her belief in the power of storytelling to foster a deeper understanding of the rich tapestry that is our human experience.